Equal Pay Statement and Gender Pay Gap 2024

The Government requires all UK based companies with an excess of 250 employees to publicly report their gender pay gap in a transparent way, that is accessible for all to see. Adnams has always been committed to the principles of equal pay for all employees.

We continue to operate a fair job evaluation scheme to measure the relative value of all roles within our business, ensuring consistency and transparency. We ensure there is no gender bias in our pay and remuneration systems and understand that equal pay between males and females is both a moral obligation and a legal right in accordance with the Equality Act 2010.

We are committed to conducting regular pay audits. pay reviews and benchmarking across various roles, taking swift and specific action to address any inequality should it be highlighted. We recognise the benefit of having a diverse workforce and we never lose sight of our continuing commitment at Adnams to inclusivity.

Adnams is required by law to publish an annual gender pay gap report and this report is for yearend 5th April 2024.

Understanding the Gap

What is the gender pay gap?
The gender pay gap is the difference between the average (mean or median) earnings of men and women across UK businesses with over 250 employees. The figures contained in this report have been calculated using the methodology stipulated by UK legislation.

The following figures represent the difference in pay between men and women in our business and
shows our 2023/2024 figures for comparison.

Quartile Distribution Men/Women

2024 2023

Mean Gender Pay Gap



Median Gender Pay Gap



Percentage of Males Receiving Bonus Pay



Percentage of Females Receiving Bonus Pay



Mean Bonus Pay Gap



Median Bonus Pay Gap



Bonus Pay Gap
Since the last report we have changed how we report our bonus pay gap. This has meant the data now obtained is different from how it was previously reported but is accurate and moving forward will show consistency.

Historically we have not had a bonus culture at Adnams therefore the result is skewed by a small number of individuals.
We are looking to widen our bonus structure for 2025 and therefore expect this element of the gender pay gap to improve.

Quartile Distribution (% of male and females in each quartile)
Our quartile distribution position has again moved very slightly to a less favourable position. We are introducing a new recruitment resource to further support best practices and processes that will focus on our quartile distribution.

In a business of our size, small changes within our Senior Teams can have a noticeable impact on quartile distribution. We are generally seeing more woman in lower paid roles across the business.

Men and women who were full-time equivalent and relevant employees were sorted using their hourly pay then divided into 4 equal quartiles, as shown below in percentage terms: the percentage of men and women in each quartile is shown below:

Four pie charts representing different quartiles with male and female proportions.

Commitments to Closing the Gap
Adnams continues to focus on internal progression of female employees with talent management strategies in place to ensure potential is identified. We are focused on development at all levels across the business, ensuring all barriers are eliminated, to enable our people to reach their full potential. This continues to take place regardless of gender and is based on aptitude and ability.

This approach particularly ensures there are no barriers to female candidates being appointed into senior roles.

We have a high level of flexibility in place which allows variable working patterns and are looking to improve our work life balance to ensure inclusivity.

We believe everyone has a part to play in Adnams success and we reward fairly.