Happy International Women’s Day. We caught up with the wonderful Jenny Hanlon, on what is almost her one-year anniversary of being appointed as CEO, to find out the most rewarding parts of working at Adnams and what advice she would give those just starting their journeys in the world of brewing.

What's been the most rewarding part of your journey in the beer industry, and what would surprise people about being a woman leading a brewery like Adnams?

The most rewarding part of my journey at Adnams has to be when I got my first opportunity to work for this business as Chief Financial Officer back in 2020.


I think it might surprise people to find out that I genuinely have a great passion for beer. I have loved beer from my first days at university, and I still love it today. Whenever I go into a pub, I would always order a pint.


When we look back in history, we find that women were the original brewers! How is Adnams honouring this heritage while creating new opportunities for women in beer today?

I think Adnams prides itself on being able to create a level playing field. We don't take any notice of whether you're male or female. You apply for the role and if you've got the abilities and the qualities to do it well, then you'll get that job.


For International Women's Day's theme of "Accelerate Action," what quick advice would you give to young women wanting to make their mark in brewing?

I think there's massive scope for women in this industry. Because we all know that many women don't actually drink beer - but as a woman, you have the taste palate of a woman. Use that, harness it, bring that to life, and you'll have every success.


If you couldn’t choose your own job… Out of all the women here at Adnams, who’s job would you like to have?

The favourite job for me has to be Dawn’s - our quality control manager. She gets to taste beer every day and gets paid for it. Who could ask for more?


Which Adnams beer would you recommend for toasting International Women's Day?

It would have to be our latest brew, Double Ghost IPA.